Research programs

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The MARKETING & MARKET RESEARCH LABORATORY in collaboration with the

  • Laboratories of Educational Technology and E-Learning Systems and Computing and Embedded Systems,  IoT & Optimization of the Department of Information and Computer Engineering and the
  • Laboratory of Mild Forms of Energy & Environmental Protection of the Department of Mechanical Engineering,

participates in the flagship research proposal of University of West Attica (PADA) submitted and approved for funding by the General Secretariat of Research & Innovation
The Titled Proposal
"Resilience, Inclusion and Development: towards a Fair, Green and Digital Transition of the Greek Regions" (TAEDR-0537352),
The specific Research Proposal received a high score in the thematic area "Social impact of green and digital transformation" and is the result of PADA's collaboration with the corresponding research groups of EKKE, EAA, ATHINA, ELKETHE and DIPAE.

Research project entitled: "The use of social media in political marketing"

Scientific director : Irini Samanta Professor of International Marketing